Star School Leader June 21, 2019 Principal Carol Leveillee: The Culture Builder In the sixth of our Star School Leader Spotlights, Principal Carol Leveillee shares her tips for supporting collaboration and skill… Vivi Hyacinthe Love0
Blended LearningCollaborative TeachingCurriculum & InstructionInstructional TechnologyProductResourcesSchool BudgetSchool ImprovementSchool InteroperabilitySuperintendent and District June 7, 2019 Schools Could Save Money by Connecting Three Workflows on One Platform Streamlining workflows within schools can increase collaboration to the betterment of not just your budget, but your entire learning community. Vivi Hyacinthe Love0
K-12 AdministratorsStar School Leader May 31, 2019 Principal Sarah Hays: The Motivational Coach One of our Star School Leader Award recipients, Principal Sarah Hays, advocates community building and technology integration. Learn more in… Vivi Hyacinthe Love0
Star School Leader April 19, 2019 Principal Faith Stroud: The Passionate Leader Through hard work and leadership, Principal Stroud lives her principles and her passion inspires members of her school community to… Vivi Hyacinthe Love0
Instructional TechnologyStar School Leader March 22, 2019 Principal Tammy Taylor: The Teacher Advocate As a principal and a part-time teacher, Principal Tammy Taylor of Wellton Elementary, Arizona keeps a close eye on the… Vivi Hyacinthe Love0