Inquiry-based, Experiential Science Learning in a Rigorous, Standards-Aligned Curriculum
Kiddom offers biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, and physiology curricula by OpenStax. Students experience engaging, hands on experiences, changing the way we learn and interact with materials.
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology Curriculum
Designed by experienced high school teachers and subject matter experts to prepare students for college and career readiness in STEM courses
Why Does Digital Curriculum Matter?
Key Kiddom features give teachers autonomy when using Kiddom with core curriculum. Using Edit Curriculum, teachers can adjust for scope & sequence and adjust lessons for cultural relevance. Plus, using Kiddom, teachers can quickly see what students need enrichment or remediation and immediately assign it as needed.
Actionable Insights
Kiddom gives live, actionable data on how the curriculum is being used at the classroom level, and provides student performance insight to both teachers and admins. Student progress data shows both teachers and students how they’re progressing on individual standards or the overall mastery level.
Simplify Workflows
Having everything both teachers and students need to access in one system removes noise and distraction from the learning process. Kiddom puts everything a teacher needs—curriculum, lesson planning, assessments, grading, presentation materials, and classroom communication—in one system. Students see all their lessons and assignments on one screen, empowering them to manage their own learning.
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