Jennifer Levanduski
April 27, 2022
The best way to measure student performance is a long-debated topic, made even more relevant as teachers try to address the unfinished learning from 2020 and 2021. With a variety of high quality curriculum options available in the Kiddom platform, our attention naturally turned next to assessments. In alignment with our mission to unlock potential for all teachers and learners, we asked ourselves how we could provide solutions for schools and districts that would alleviate the pressures associated with choosing, delivering, and using assessments.
Kiddom is thrilled to announce our partnership with CenterPoint Education Solutions. CenterPoint’s curriculum-aligned assessments for EL Education K-8 (curriculum published by Open Up Resources) and Illustrative Mathematics will be available in the Kiddom platform for the 2022-2023 school year.
When districts choose assessments that are not specifically aligned to the curriculum in use (ie. general grade-level assessments), students can end up being assessed on content that may or may not have already been taught in class. This is a frustrating experience for students who are being asked questions on unfamiliar topics, or in a different vocabulary/context than has been presented in the classroom. Additionally, teachers have to do a lot more decoding of assessment results to get to actionable data. Curriculum-aligned assessments ensure that assessment results are a true measure of student understanding of what’s been taught in class and that teachers can use the results data, immediately, to inform classroom instruction.
The CenterPoint team has years of expertise in developing a variety of assessments to measure grade-level standards, using question types that are similar in rigor and task to state summative assessments. In short, we believe in the quality of what they’ve offered, agree on the importance of taking a curriculum-aligned approach to assessments, and are aligned on their organizational mission that all learners – particularly our most vulnerable – can excel.
Are you ready to talk about how adding assessments to Kiddom can work for your school or district? Contact your Kiddom Customer Success Manager, or schedule a call below.