How High-Quality Curriculum + Kiddom Drive Transformation

Illustration of students engaged in science, technology, and education activities on a light blue background.
Headshot of Zack Cronin
Zack Cronin
January 31, 2023

If there’s one thing that has been shown time and time again, it is the transformative power of a high-quality curriculum when combined with the right technology.

When adopted together, digital curriculum platforms and curriculum have up-leveled student performance in schools and districts across the country.

But what is it that makes this combination so impactful?

Regardless of location, districts often share the same struggles. They still battle the impacts of COVID and remote learning on their students, they grapple with teacher retention, and teachers are locked in an everlasting competition amongst time, teaching effectiveness, and student outcomes.

The solution is an impactful, equitable, and practical curriculum that marries superior standards alignment with affordability.

Open Up Resources K-12 Math

Authored by experts and polished by teachers in real-world classrooms, Open Up Resources fosters true mathematical literacy for students through their mathematical language routines. These routines provide detailed guidance for developing students into mathematical thinkers. Open Up goes above and beyond to help students communicate mathematical thinking verbally, visually, and in writing.

“Even more significant, Open Up Resources funded the development of their math curriculum, which was authored by and also distributed as Illustrative Mathematics. Later, more publishers would also partner with Illustrative Mathematics to rapidly market this fantastic, discourse-driven curriculum.

Kiddom Digital Curriculum Platform

In its mission to provide the highest quality curriculum to every student, Kiddom partnered with Open Up Resources to deliver their content in digital form, further enhanced by Kiddom’s suite of teaching tools.

Within Kiddom’s platform, educators and administrators receive a number of tools that revolutionize teaching, including:

  • Advanced curriculum management and editing
  • Assignment view
  • Technology-enhanced assessment practice
  • Implementation and support resources

Curriculum Management

Kiddom’s curriculum management features allow schools and districts to edit, distribute, and customize content to fit their own specific needs. With distinct roles for both teachers and editors, the curriculum can be collaborated on, saved, and utilized however you need.

Assignment View

Assignment view grants teachers and administrators real-time, comprehensive data that allows them to pinpoint instructional needs and monitor implementation. It also gives teachers the ability to automatically, or rapidly grade assignments, make instructional decisions during class, and assess student needs.

Assessment Practice

With data-driven assessments, schools can ensure that every single student is prepared, fluent, and comfortable when it comes time for state tests.

Implementation and Support Resources

With an applauded customer service team, usage data, and training, Kiddom ensures that both its platform and the curricula within it sees total adoption and consistent usage to ensure results.

The combination of curriculum, district controls, and data found within Kiddom is designed to simplify the workload of educators at all levels, from classroom to district office, providing the resources needed to quickly and accurately adjust instruction, resulting in accelerated student growth.

Driving Results

Kiddom and Open Up Resources are so impactful together because Kiddom enables digital curricula to be utilized in the way it was always intended.

Open Up Resources created their K-12 math to be equitable, accessible, and effective. Kiddom empowers that through its tools.

Be sure to reach out to Kiddom today to learn more about Open Up Resources and the Kiddom platform.