Using Kiddom as an Instructional Coach to Effectively Impact Teachers | Webinar Recap

How can instructional coaches and other administrators support teachers operating in a hybrid or distance learning environment?
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October 16, 2020

This webinar uncovers ways to use Kiddom data to inform coaching, remediation, and enrichment. Check out our previous webinar recaps below:

Without classroom visits and in-person interactions with teachers and students, instructional coaches have to rebuild their work from the ground up. At Kiddom, we want to ensure that you have the right tools to do it.

In this webinar recap, you will hear from Kiddom Chief Academic Officer Abbas Manjee and Customer Success Manager Eric Guitierrez on the role of instructional coaches today. Then, you will learn how to use Kiddom data to support teachers and improve student outcomes. Let’s dig in!

The Role of Instructional Coaches Today

Who has the visibility to help students when teaching and learning happens at home? “It puts some immediate hurdles in the face of a teacher,” Abbas says. Teachers used to be able to assess where help was needed in the classroom, at a moment’s notice. “That is no longer the case.”Hear more on the new reality for teachers in this clip from the webinar:

For instructional coaches, the hurdles become brick walls. Whereas they could once drop in on a lesson and observe a teacher, instructional coaches must now reinvent the wheel. “Instructional coaches are similar to pilots flying a plane in the dark,” Abbas says. “ They might not see where they are going, so [instructional coaches] have to rely on the instruments they have at their disposal.”

These instruments are readily available for educators, in swarms. Unfortunately, schools usually have to adopt more than one instructional tool, on top of communication, curriculum, and assessment tools. The problem that instructional coaches face is that these tools don’t speak to one another, putting the burden on teachers to interpret information from a dozen different sources.

“When we think about the role that technology plays in the classroom, it should really be there to solve those big problems that we’re currently facing,” Eric says. Kiddom for Schools and Districts can help you replace  four or  five tools with one consolidated platform. “It provides you with a clear view of data from the school level, teacher level, and student level. Through those different experiences, within a click you’re able to open a portfolio of learning that’s happening in every single classroom—without having to do an observation.”

Learn more in the following clip.

Having data that illustrates how teaching and learning takes place on a classroom level, and on a student level, means professional development no longer has to take a one-size-fits-all approach.

Abbas recalled his experience with this type of PD during his time as an educator: “It felt, very much, not customized for me, I had to sit through it, and it certainly wasn’t built in a way for me to move ahead or receive the support that I needed.”

He then posed a question to Eric: as a coach, how did you build 1:1 connections, and what opportunities do you see today now that everything’s digital? View the clip below to hear Eric’s response.

Using Kiddom Data to Inform Instructional Coaching

Next, we dove deeper into the data with the Teachers Dashboard. At one quick glance, you can see top performing classes and student mastery. When you scroll down, you can click on individual teachers to see how many assignments they’ve added, scored, and how many haven’t been completed.

From the individual teacher view, you can click once more to see student data as they would see it within the Kiddom platform. Imagine how smoothly coaching conversations could be, based on data you can both see!

Next, we toured Eric’s favorite aspect of Kiddom: class standard mastery data. In Kiddom, you can attach skills and standards to assignments and individual questions, giving a robust view of student mastery.

“If I do have those 15 minutes with a teacher via Zoom, I’m asking targeted questions. I’ve already viewed the data, so we’re not spending time opening it or sending it,” Eric says. “We’re looking at the specific numbers and coming up with concrete action steps that I can now, as a coach, provide ongoing support [with].”

View standards mastery data from Kiddom in this clip:

Instructional coaches can use Kiddom to understand student performance and spotlight work from teachers who are knocking it out of the park – or those who might need additional support. But instructional coaches aren’t the only ones who can benefit from using Kiddom data. Tune in next week to find out how teachers and other admins can use actionable data in Kiddom to support student outcomes.