5 Things You Need in a K-12 Science Curriculum

Illustration of students engaged in science, technology, and education activities on a light blue background.
Headshot of Zack Cronin
Zack Cronin
February 23, 2024

Dare we say it? Amongst K-12 curriculum, science stands out as a consistent student favorite. Its hands-on nature, interactivity, and interesting subject matter make for an enjoyable student experience.

However, teachers disagree. EdReports found that while an overwhelming 96% of science teachers say that materials aligned to their state’s science standards are somewhat or extremely important to them, only 37% believe their materials meet that need.

So, as you’re looking for a science curriculum, keep these key elements in mind.

The Power of Inquiry and Phenomena-Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning empowers students to ask questions, experiment, and draw their own conclusions. It allows them to apply their own knowledge, skills, and experience to science learning.

Imagine the excitement as they grapple with mysteries like “Why is the sky blue?” or “How do plants survive winter?” By providing open-ended prompts, hands-on materials, and ample opportunities for discussion, you’ll cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving, and a genuine love for discovery.

Resources like the National Science Teaching Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science offer a wealth of inquiry-based activities and lesson plans to get you started.

But, science curriculums like OpenStax and OpenSciEd have phenomena-and inquiry-based learning built right in, with lesson plans specifically designed to incorporate phenomena and encourage exploration.

Embrace Technology

Technology is no longer just a distraction; it’s a powerful tool for enhancing science education, for students and teachers alike.

Technology brings interactive simulations, virtual labs, and educational apps into the classroom. These bring abstract concepts to life, offering students a multi-dimensional learning experience. Imagine exploring the human body through augmented reality or traveling through the solar system in a virtual reality simulation!

Kiddom partners with both Slooh and Labster to combine virtual science experiences with digital phenomena-based learning. This means that regardless of location, funding, class size, or school resources, students can experience scientific phenomena firsthand.

For teachers, digital curriculum and digital curriculum platforms help them streamline their lesson planning, teach more effectively, and get time back in their day. The digital curriculum is easier to navigate, has planning and calendaring, and even includes auto-grading.

By integrating technology thoughtfully and strategically, you can cater to diverse learning styles, pique curiosity, and make science truly accessible.

Allow for Personalization

Take experiential science learning to the next level by personalizing it to not only fit your student’s needs but also to make it more relevant to them.

Digital curriculum can be personalized and distributed to an entire school or even district with just a few clicks. Use this to your advantage to provide your students and teachers with a curriculum that meets their needs, addresses learning gaps, and caters to their strengths.

Align with Professional Learning

Choosing a high-quality curriculum is one thing, but empowering your educators to use it to its fullest capabilities is another. Seek curricula that include completely aligned professional development. Too many PLs are general, focusing on general knowledge rather than the curriculum itself.

You want your teachers to fully understand the potential of your chosen science curriculum, and be able to apply it to every science learner.

Assess for Learning, Not Just of Learning

Forget the outdated model of testing memorization. Assessment in science should be an ongoing process that informs your teaching and guides student progress. Utilize formative assessments like observations, discussions, and exit tickets to gauge understanding, identify areas of difficulty, and adjust instruction accordingly. Encourage self-reflection and peer feedback to foster a culture of continuous learning. Remember, assessment isn’t just about grades; it’s about empowering students to become confident and independent learners.

By incorporating these 5 key elements into your K-12 science curriculum, you’ll unlock a world of possibilities. Remember, the journey of scientific discovery is just as important as the destination. Foster a classroom environment that celebrates curiosity, encourages collaboration, and empowers students to become the next generation of scientific innovators!