Zack Cronin
Kiddom is on a mission to make high-quality instructional materials the new norm. Why?
- Only 33% of 4th and 31% of 8th graders perform at or above the proficient level in reading.
- 36% of 4th and 26% of 8th graders scored at or above proficient levels in math.
- In 2019, 36% of 4th, 35% of 8th, and 22% of 12th graders performed at or above the proficient level in science.
- Only 22% of 2023 high school graduates met all four ACT college readiness benchmarks (English, math, reading, and science).
- Disadvantaged students and low-income students are experiencing a wider achievement gap compared to their peers.
With High-Quality Instructional Materials, the data again data tells a story…
- In districts that use HQIM-aligned materials, students in math and ELA classes perform 15-20% better.
- Teachers using HQIM report that they feel better prepared to teach their subjects, with 68% of teachers saying that high-quality materials help them to provide more rigorous instruction aligned to standards.
- 75% of teachers using HQIM in math and ELA say that HQIM supports more effective differentiation for diverse learners, including students with disabilities and English Language Learners.
- HQIM over a sustained period (4 years or more) can lead to an additional year’s worth of learning.
So, with these results, why do only 40% of teachers report using materials rated as “high-quality” for their subjects?
These curricula can be dense and sophisticated for even the most veteran teachers. With the surge of educators leaving the profession during COVID and after, we are seeing higher levels of new educators than before, and they struggle with utilizing an HQIM.
Add to this increasing class sizes, and chronic teacher shortages, and suddenly it all makes sense that HQIMs are not widespread. In fact, 68% of teachers believe that using HQIM would improve student outcomes, but many feel they lack the professional development and support needed to implement these materials effectively.
Therein lies our goal. To make these materials more prevalent, we have to make them easier to use.
That’s why we’re incredibly excited to now offer Kiddom AI.
As a provider of high-quality curricula, we’re dedicated to developing AI enhancements that drastically improve the teacher’s ability to unpack, understand, and implement HQIM with fidelity.
As Kiddom Co-Founder and CEO Ahsan Rizvi says, “High-quality instructional materials are fantastic curricula, with proven success. But they are dense and require a significant level of training and development for teachers to use with integrity. We’re rolling out numerous new offerings for educators to help them contextualize, adapt, simplify, and scale the impact of all great curriculum by making it easy to implement in classrooms.”
This promise of productivity and protection will instantly create a multiplier effect for teachers, who can rest easy knowing students are receiving the education they envision.
We look at these tools differently than most though. We believe in empowering educators, which is why our AI offerings are exclusively teacher-facing to safeguard student learning while positively impacting the teacher experience in the classroom.
Our AI-enabled core curricula keeps instructional power firmly in teachers’ hands so they can effectively utilize their resources, reduce their mental load, and focus on the critical task of propelling student growth.
With the new Kiddom AI tools, a teacher’s workflow can now look like this:
- Your students complete an in-class assignment, how will you provide them all with feedback in a time frame that will be relevant and useful for them?
- Kiddom AI makes the job easy, by automatically providing automatic feedback on the assignment. You simply modify it, dismiss it, or accept it as-is.
- From your review, you find that some students would benefit from more practice. Kiddom AI then generates lesson-centered problems on the spot.
- There’s no grading stress—Kiddom AI recommends scores for open-ended response questions. Your next steps for instruction are easy to see.
It does this with with our exciting AI features that will be available on launch:
- Auto-Feedback: Harness Generative AI to analyze and create tailored, nuanced feedback for each student assignment in a snap.
- Auto-Scoring: Combined with auto-feedback, Kiddom’s one-two AI punch saves you hours of time grading.
- Practice Generator: AI-generated question sets in multiple formats help all students practice and review knowledge and skills.
To learn more about Kiddom’s AI offerings, feel free to reach out to us.
Kiddom seamlessly connects the most critical aspects of teaching and learning on one platform.
For the first time, educators can share and manage digital curriculum, differentiate instruction, and assess student work in one place. Learners can take assessments online, see student performance data with the click of a button, and teachers have the insight and tools they need to create individual learning paths.
What to learn more about Kiddom?
Connect with us to see how Kiddom can help your school or district.